How to create a good Developer Portfolio as a beginner

Your goal with your portfolio as a Developer is most likely to land a job. In this post, I will give you tips to have a modern-looking portfolio with projects that stand out.

Tips for a modern looking Portfolio

  1. Don't be afraid of using a Template. Especially, if your design skills are not the best!

    I see this issue all the time. A new developer has a portfolio that looks outdated or frankly ugly. A portfolio like this won't impress your potential employer.

    There is no issue with using a template.

    If you don't want to use a template, don't be afraid to check out Dribble or check out Portfolios that you admire. Don't copy the design but take inspiration from it to create a great looking design.

  2. There is nothing wrong with making your portfolio using WordPress, simple HTML/ CSS/ Javascript

    Another common issue I see is Junior developers think their Portfolio has to be made with the latest tech and frameworks. The reality is you should make your portfolio with whatever you are comfortable with. The point of the portfolio is to show your projects and so the majority of your focus should be making sure those projects are legit (more on that on my next point).

  3. Have solid, real-looking projects

    Don't put a Javascript Calculator or an ugly looking sites on your projects. It is better to have 1 or 2 great-looking projects than a bunch of amateur looking sites.

    You can create a fictional company and create a website for it.

    If you want to get a front-end job, make sure your projects are beautiful and responsive.

    If you want a full-stack position, make sure you have a project with registration, login, CRUD operations, making API calls. In other words, show that you can build a full-stack app.

    Make your projects, something an employer can look at and think "wow, this candidate can hit the ground running".

  4. Write a small summary for each of your projects

    For each project, write about how you build the project, technologies used, challenges you faced, and how you fixed them.

  5. Don't put a skills progress bar.

    I am sure you've seen this. A progress bar showing you know 90% HTML, 60% Javascript, etc. Don't do this as it doesn't really make sense and there is no way to quantify how much knowledge you have.

    Instead, just list it if you are proficient in it. Hopefully, in the previous tip, you wrote about using the technology and so employers already know you are proficient in it.

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